Everyone is undergoing change, and no one is exempted from worrying (perhaps too much). Negative emotions need to be processed and managed as these can be detrimental to a person’s health, even jeopardize your business.
“For a while there, I myself was worried that my own business would go belly up. Clients were not calling, and everyone was giving ‘free’ talks online. Turns out that at the start of the lockdown, everyone was pretty shell-shocked at what was happening in the world and, I think most can relate, just trying to get through each day processing new threats, fears and anxieties that they have never experienced before,” says Trixie Olizon-Silerio of People StrongHR Consulting.
Olizon-Silerio believes that feelings of anxiety can throw off a person’s logical thinking and encourage knee-jerk reactions. Business owners might tend to lay off people or close the company not because it’s the only viable choice left, but because the stress was overwhelming.
What entrepreneurs can do is to find someone whom they can share their ideas with—a family member, a fellow industry player, a mentor or a coach (just like PeopleStrong who delivers online training and virtual team building activities). And just as business owners are looking for a clear direction, their team is also searching for clarity, especially employees who received notice to return to work.
What’s the next step? Can they count on management to take care of them? Is it really the time to revive operations?
“Exposure to the virus would definitely be the main stressor. I personally believe the situation in our country has not been managed well, we have flattened the economy and not the curve. The virus is still out there, but it has come to the point where opening the economy is necessary,” says Olizon-Silerio.
She notes that over worrying has been proven to lower a person’s immune system, which is why safety precautions will help employees manage anxiety physically and emotionally. The thought that protocols are being followed gives them a sense of comfort and security.
“[Managers can help their team cope with the situation] By showing lots of empathy. We really need to be more understanding of people. In other words, don’t be the source of more stress and don’t pass on your own stress to your team members! Give a hand when you feel that your team member is already overwhelmed,” adds Olizon-Silerio.